Friday, September 5, 2008

Whats in a title?

Whats in a title? Apparently everything. Choosing a topic to write about is the hardest part of blogging. It takes me forever to decide what I want to write about. Which kind of defies conventional blogging. Especially by the younger generation. They jot down anything and everything that comes to mind. Which makes sense too, I suppose. Blogging is meant to relieve your mind of your most present thoughts - however insignificant they might be, not really caring about the proper grammar or vocabulary.

I, however, already having referred myself as part of the older generation (which is quite sad), write short essays. Choosing the appropriate topic, delving on the correct vocabulary, double-and triple-checking the grammar. I want every new post to be an art form within itself, when it is really just supposed to be a reflection of your inner-most feelings. I am being an idealist while bloggers are supposed to be realists. I try to (and TRY is the keyword here) end every post with something my mind construes as 'deep', something that I think would leave the readers pondering, forcing them to think about the topic for a minute or two after they have finished reading it.

All the more evidence that this is no longer my generation. Which is not necessarily depressing. Every year as I get older, I get to step aside and glimpse at the future. The "new people" of the world. Younger, smarter, they seem to be so much more aware and in control of their surroundings than we were at their age. How will their world be? And the world of the people after them? In this technologically advanced age (at least our generation thinks it is), when the next day is different from the last, it is exciting to wait for the change that is to come in just a few years.


Unknown said...

I do not agree that we are not the current generation. I think we are 'the current' generation and 'teens and kids' are the future generation. style of writing Intresting.Keep it up.

Unknown said...

Hi Bhakti,

Firtly nice orkut pic :)- and excellent blog. I esp. like the flow of thought and ofcourse the title.

keep blogging...


Veena said...

Hi Bhakti, thanks for leaving comments on my food blog I hope you stop by more often and enjoy.
This particular article reminded me of one I wrote on perfection and idealism, here is the link

I find thoughts coming rushing to me when I do not have any means to write it down but when I want to write an article, I go blank!

U have a nice blog, keep going!
Cheers, Veena